Do you know how many lives one can have?
The first time i almost lost it was when i was driving on an elbow downhill by the giant turbines.
The second time was when i thought i lost them.
The third time was every time i hit 160/110 semi-paralyzed at the emergency rooms of some hospitals.
The fourth, was when people tried to kill my spirit.
The fifth was everytime i thought i feared to be alone in my solo travels.
The sixth was each time a truck tries to steal my lane at the highway's curve or some car trying to race me and challenge my driving stunts by the zigzags.
The seventh was when i thought i had nothing.
Saud beach Sunset 2/10/2017 |
The eighth is when i die seeing hills and islands and oceans, and sunrises and moonrises.
But I never die even if they try to steal it. Another life amazingly lingers to what is.
This wonderful breeze that i breathe now is heaven on earth. And hey, my heart is pretty much alive on my 9th.
LubDub. <3